In this hybrid working days, you have to be ready for a video call in a minute. No kidding tried and true.
I’m working as a Creator Relations Manager in a audio learning startup and my work is mainly internet searches, communicating people via mails, Linkedin and other social media channels.

One day, we were online with my CEO and all of a sudden, he said: “Let’s make a video call, shall we?” We shall yes but I’m in my pajamas, half sleeping, and my hair is messy red pencil bun. Cats everywhere.
I could simply write “give me 15 min, please” and rushed to become a casual smart looking professional. Hard task.
I love hard tasks. Here are steps to be ready:
- Get up the chair, and rush to restroom. If needed use the toilet. Wash your face and hands.
- Choose cloths: a shirt with easy patterns or a polo t-shirt, a foulard, a tie, a cardigan or a jacket, sweatpants (believe me you may need to stand up to get / show something)
- Find a hairclip (a basic rubber band works)
And action!

- Rush to the cheval glass.
- Comb your hair (make a ponytail with hairclip or rubber band)
- Wear the cloths
- Align the neck, check the buttons.
- Try some foulard knotting styles (you are at home so simple small knots are better)
- Wear sweatpants
- Wear a moderate lipstick or not

- Rush back to your laptop.
- Check your desktop, close all the unbusiness staff (you may need to share your screen)
- Check internet speed, close applications in other connected devices if needed.
- Make Zoom / Google video call tests:

a) Check camera angle, clear your background. Or you can easily choose a background filter. Be careful with your motions. If you have a background filter, try to stay still as much as possible. The delay on transmission causes silly shadows.
b) Check microphone, moderate level
c) Check headphone. If you are connected via Bluetooth, double check connection quality.
d) Check battery levels of your mouse, headphone, speakers etc.
When you are all set, open the video connection and smile!!!
Theme song of this post: Tomorrow never dies, by Sheryl Crow